

Entries from January 2022.

Desktop User Notifications (Gnome, XFCE, KDE)
6th January 2022


Usually comes pre-installed with Gnome and XFCE.
For KDE I had to manually install it.

apt install update-notifier-common


All Desktops poll the directory /var/lib/update-notifier/user.d/ for changes.
KDE in shorter intervals than Gnome and XFCE.
It can take up to 5 minutes until the next poll comes around and the message gets displayed.

Gnome and XFCE display only new or changed messages since the last display.
KDE shows old messages again if they are still lying around.
So with KDE, make sure to remove old stuff in this folder
before putting new messages in it, so users don't get confused with old messages.



Name: A Message
Description: Hello Desktop


Name: Another Message
Description: Hello Desktop again


A Message

Another Message

Both Messages

Note the Next Button


A Message

Both Messages

Note the Next Button


A Message

Both Messages

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Fire Making is like the Boot Process
28th January 2022

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Pragmatisch Feuerholz machen
30th January 2022

Es gibt tolle Videos auf YouTube wie man mit einer Axt effektiv Feuerholz macht:

Doch der Pragmatiker hat noch einen effektiveren Trick auf Lager.
Er kombiniert es mit dem Sport und fräst beim Disc Goalfen gleich das Holz zu:

Nur Stahl kann ihn noch aufhalten (noch):

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"People said I should accept the world. Bullshit! I don't accept the world." -- Stallman